Our EDI Work
“We believe that our social ills are caused by inequities in access to the basic resources and benefits of a democratic society. These inequities are based on discrimination against various groups by race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and other identities. We also believe that a diverse and powerful social sector can address these inequities.”
-YNPN National

In the social sector, people of color and other marginalized communities are underrepresented. As an organization dedicated to “empowering emerging young leaders,” YNPN Portland is well-positioned to equip young people of color and other Portlanders from marginalized communities to serve in nonprofits, with the ultimate vision of making the social sector more diverse, inclusive, and equitable.
YNPN Portland is in a position to advance equity in and outside of the social sector, we can lead by example, create spaces for Portlanders to have honest dialogue about inequities, and take actions for a more just society. As YNPN Portland’s Leadership continues to have these discussions, we recognize that this work takes time, hard work, self-reflection, concrete actions, and transparency.
This is an ongoing process, and while we continue through this process, we look to
YNPN National, who has set the tone and direction for this work.