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We've curated a list of resources to help you stay on top of trends in the nonprofit sector, build your leadership capacity, and connect with the broader nonprofit community.
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Must-Listens (Podcasts)Joan Garry’s Nonprofits Are Messy podcast is a staple to all nonprofit professionals at any level. Joan picks a wide-range of nonprofit leaders to showcase the common trials and tribulations of nonprofits, and the persistent chaos we have come to know very well. National Public Radio’s Code Switch is an enlightening and entertaining podcast covering a wide array of relevant topics in the thread of race and culture. Check out the Episode “What It Means to Be A 'Person of Color'” (2020) for a fresh perspective on the usage of the term “Person of Color”. Harvard Business Review’s Race At Work is a great podcast to familiarize yourself with for-profit leaders, their attempts and perspectives, and ultimately often grounded and practical solutions for better workplaces.
Online ReadsFree to Access: Vu Le is a beacon of truth and a paragon of hilarity. His blog Nonprofit AF makes continuous and relevant posts on the latest trends hitting nonprofits and nonprofit professionals. Fun Fact: Vu Le was our Keynote Speaker at our YNPN National Conference in 2016! Middle of the Road Access (Subscriptions Offered; Some Resources Available w/o Membership): Nonprofit Quarterly is a growing online publication, complete with free and on-demand webinars. There are articles and now! a newly established podcast Women of Color in Power (follow the link for their first episode). Check out Anastasia Tomkin’s How White People Conquered the Nonprofit Industry (2020) article about why and how the nonprofit space has been so historically white. The Nonprofit Times is better suited for its semi-annual comprehensive reports on benefits and salary information. Human Resources or People Operations might find the report helpful to assess industry trends. McKinsey & Company is a consulting firm that works across multiple industries to highlight trends and changes for the better organizations can make to better support employees and create a brighter future. While mostly focused in the for-profit space, McKinsey & Company has been known to report on trends in philanthropy. Subscriptions Required The Chronicle of Philanthropy is a large online philanthropy and nonprofit focused publication highlighting a wide range of perspectives and opinions across the country.Take a few minutes to read Glenn Gamboa and Haleluya Hadera’s recent and relevant article, Redefining ‘Racial Equity’ May Increase Donations to Those Working on the Issue (2021) Inside Philanthropy is the upper level of philanthropy articles and reports. For those heavily invested in giving trends and donor data, working at private institutions or trusts, Inside Philanthropy may be worth the price tag.
Racial History Resources about Portland, Oregon"Oregon and Portland have a long and complex history with race, especially with its Black community. If you are knew to town from any area on the east coast or the south, the apparent lack of (but positively changing) diversity will be apparent to you. To learn more about Portland, Oregon’s unique history, here are some articles and documentaries: About Portland: Oregon Public Broadcasting showcased Local Color: A Documentary (58m) in 1999, highlighting historical racial and diversity issues in Portland and their (then [and still]) lasting impact. Take a listen to Think Out Loud The Dark History of Eugenics in Oregon to learn more about Oregon’s treatment of minorities through eugenics and unsavory medical interventions. While the event has lapsed, the blurb about Kennedy School, a tourist attraction owned by McMenamins, articulates well the historical significance of its building and its purpose with the event The Dark History of Eugenics in Oregon. Before you say something like “it’s so progressive here!”, take a moment to review this article from The Atlantic The Racist History of Portland, the Whitest City in America (2017). An opinion piece with relevant history, the follow resources provide deeper history and current impact. A deep dive and contextual read by Karen Gibson into Bleeding Albina: A History of Community Disinvestment, 1940 - 2000; published by the American Anthropological Association’s Transforming Anthropology in 2007. Take a look at Statistical Atlas’ interactive map Demographic Statistical Atlas of Portland by Race & Ethnicity for a visual on Portland’s communities. About Oregon: When Portland Banned Blacks: Oregon’s Shameful History as an ‘All-White’ State, an older (2017) article written in the Washington Post, illuminates relevant histories that have fed into intergenerational or transgenerational trauma within the Black community in Oregon and in Portland. Walidah Imarisha is a name to know if you are new to town. Walidah is a writer, educator, spoken word artist, and public scholar, with an impressive series of works to her name. If you have the time, her 90 minute talk Why Aren't There More Black People In Oregon A Hidden History presented by Walidah Imarisha (2017) is available on YouTube. Feel free to also check out her website for the last events and updates! Straight from the Oregon State Government, a comprehensive (starting at 8,000 BCE [no joke!]) Timeline of Oregon's Racial and Education History (2010)
Righting the Wrong of Exclusivity with Inclusive HighlightingDirectory of Black-Owned Eateries in Portland ( See Travel Portland’sSupport Black-Owned Restaurants in Portland (2021) for deeper profiles of a few Black-owned eateries. Portland Monthly’s Black-Owned Businesses: Service Directory can provide direction and insight to hiring for jobs and services you or your organization may be.
Capacity-Building Organizations (Local)Nonprofit Association of Oregon (NAO) is a member-based organization that represents Oregon's nonprofit sector. Their mission is to strengthen the collective voice, leadership, and capacity of nonprofits to enrich the liv es of all Oregonians. YNPN Portland is a proud member of NAO. Go here for: Trainings, networking, general nonprofit resources, job board (same as Mac's list), public policy information, whitepapers such as the annual State of the Sector Report, and more. Hot tip: NAO partnered with Independent Sector to provide a robust library of nonprofit resources covering topics such as: communications, finance, governance, HR, leadership, program management, strategy, and more. They also have a funding opportunities resource page. Willamette Valley Development Officers (WVDO) is a member-based organization that is open to anyone who engages in professional fundraising activities. This may include volunteers, board members, Executive Directors, Development Directors, Event Planners, Grantwriters, Consultants, Foundations and Business Professionals. Go here for: Trainings, networking, information sharing, job posting or placing. Hot tip: WVDO has partnered with PSU to provide certificates in: Nonprofit Fundraising, Grant Writing, Program Evaluation, and Managerial Resilience. Northwest Oregon Volunteer Administrators Association (NOVAA) is a volunteer-led, nonprofit association for volunteer management professionals. Go here for: Trainings, networking, peer-to-peer learning, Certification for Volunteer Administration (CVA) study groups, member discussion forums, resources, and a directory of free or low-cost trainers. Hot tip: NOVAA provides excellent Volunteer Management 101, 201, and 301 courses, and they offer partner discounts to members of other local organizations such as WVDO. The Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) is the membership organization of nonprofit professionals who put technology to use for their causes. They enable members to embrace advances in technology through knowledge sharing, trainings, research, and industry analysis. Although NTEN is a national organization, they are headquartered here in Portland. Go here for: Trainings, networking, peer-to-peer learning, cool blog articles, member discussion forums, resources, and industry reports on tech issues in the nonprofit sector. Hot tip: NTEN provides a Nonprofit Technology Certificate, as well as Digital Equity Certificate. Their industry reports are also worth perusing - there aren't a lot of organizations talking about tech or cybersecurity in the nonprofit sector; NTEN is definitely one of the leaders in this space. Say Hey! convenes business and community leaders to welcome professionals of color who recently relocated to Oregon and Southwest Washington. Hosted by Partners in Diversity, this event helps deepen connection and engagement within our region's multicultural community. Everyone is welcome to attend this free program. Go here for: Networking across sectors in an inclusive and welcoming environment. Hot tip: This event is extremely popular and sells out quickly. Vision Action Network (VAN), also known as Washington County Nonprofit Network (WCNN), isn't a Portland-based organization, per se, but they're close enough and should definitely be on your radar. VAN brings community stakeholders together to address some of the most challenging issues facing Washington County, including poverty, aging, and homelessness. Go here for: Signature events, customized facilitation, and urgent response convenings. Hot tip: Check out their annual Meet the Funders event - it's an awesome opportunity to cultivate relationships and explore strategic partnerships with local foundation leaders.
Additional ResourcesTema Okun’s passion project White Supremacy Culture . info is a great resource and document on what and how White Supremacy Culture manifests in the workplace.These traits can be a dangerous pitfall at any organization, especially when discussing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. The Ford Family Foundation's Select Books Program is a fun way to get free books that might not be on your radar. Create an account, order a book, read and leave a review, and you are then free to select another! The list cycles through every once and a while the books are in excellent quality. HandsOn Greater Portland has been around for over two decades, serving organizations in both Multnomah and Washington counties. Hands On’s project calendar is a great way to find real-time volunteer opportunities across the Portland metro region! Community-Centric Fundraising is a Seattle, Washington local nonprofit, convened in the name supporting fundraisers of color in August 2018. And lastly, EventBrite is a great place to find free or paid events in Portland, OR! Psst! You may even see some of our events there.
Job BoardsEmerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP) Idealist Mac’s List - an excellent resource for nonprofit jobs in Portland Nonprofit Professionals Now (NPN) Partners in Diversity Philanthropy News Digest (by Candid) Tech Jobs for Good
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